King Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana)
King Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana) is a deep backbend and hip opener that stretches the hip flexors, quads, chest, shoulders, and abdomen while also strengthening the lower back. It is a challenging pose that requires flexibility, balance, and openness in the hips, chest, and spine. This pose can be very therapeutic for those who sit for long periods, as it helps to open the hips and improve spinal extension.
Key Points
- Starting Position:
- Start in Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana).
- From Downward Dog, bring your right knee toward your chest and place it behind your right wrist, with your right foot angled toward the left wrist.
- Extend your left leg straight back, lowering your left knee and the top of your foot onto the floor.
- Set your hips square to the front of the mat, ensuring that your hips are aligned and not sinking to one side.
- Movement (Hip Opening):
- Keep your hips squared and draw your right hip back slightly to ensure that your pelvis is aligned.
- Begin to walk your hands forward, lowering your chest toward the floor, and lengthen your spine as you move into a gentle forward fold.
- For the full King Pigeon variation, reach your left arm behind you and bend your left knee, bringing the left foot toward your left hand.
- If you can, grasp your left foot with your left hand and draw it gently toward your glutes, aiming to deepen the chest opening and backbend.
- Engagement:
- Engage your core to protect your lower back and maintain a lifted chest as you work into the backbend.
- Keep your shoulders relaxed and avoid scrunching your neck.
- If holding the left foot is difficult, use a strap around your foot or keep the leg extended for a less intense stretch.
- Keep your right knee pointing directly to the front, not splaying out to the side, to protect the hip.
- Focus:
- Focus on lengthening the spine, drawing the chest forward and up as you deepen into the backbend.
- Keep your gaze soft and forward, or you may choose to look up if it feels comfortable for a deeper chest opening.
- Keep your breath steady and use it to help you deepen the stretch with each exhale.
- Breath:
- Inhale to lengthen your spine and prepare for the backbend.
- Exhale as you fold deeper or reach for your foot.
- Breathe deeply into the chest, feeling the expansion with each breath as you open the heart and hips.