Reclining Twist Pose (Supta Matsyendrasana)
Reclining Twist Pose, or Supta Matsyendrasana, is a restorative supine spinal twist that helps release tension in the back, shoulders, and hips while improving spinal mobility. It promotes relaxation and gentle detoxification.
Key Points
- Alignment:
- Lie on your back with your legs extended.
- Hug your right knee into your chest while keeping the left leg long on the mat.
- Cross the right knee over to the left side, allowing the torso to gently twist.
- Extend your right arm to the side at shoulder height, palm facing up, and keep your left hand on the bent knee or alongside your body.
- Engagement:
- Ground your shoulders into the mat to maintain openness across the chest.
- Allow gravity to guide the twist rather than forcing the knee down.
- Keep the spine long and the head neutral or turn your gaze toward the extended arm for a deeper stretch.
- Focus:
- Relax your hips and lower back to release tension.
- Ensure the shoulders remain in contact with the mat for optimal alignment.
- Let the breath flow deeply, focusing on lengthening the exhale to deepen relaxation.
- Breath:
- Inhale to lengthen the spine, and exhale to soften deeper into the twist.