Cat’s Tail Pose (Vasisthasana Variation)
Cat’s Tail Pose is a twisting, deep side stretch and hip-opening yoga posture that combines elements of a spinal twist, hamstring stretch, and balance. It is a variation often practiced in restorative or yin yoga to target the side body, hips, and shoulders.
Key Points
- Alignment:
- Start in a seated position or on your side with legs extended.
- Bend one knee, bringing it toward your chest while keeping the other leg extended straight.
- Reach back with the opposite hand to grab the foot or ankle of the bent leg, creating a gentle twist in the torso.
- Engagement:
- Keep the extended leg active by flexing the foot and engaging the thigh.
- Draw the shoulder blades down to open the chest and avoid hunching.
- Gently twist the torso as you stretch, maintaining a long spine.
- Focus:
- Keep the hips grounded and the chest lifted as you hold the stretch.
- Use your breath to deepen the twist and stretch with each exhale.
- Avoid straining—move slowly and mindfully into the pose.
- Breath:
- Inhale to lengthen the spine, and exhale to deepen the twist and stretch.