Nostril Breathing

When we breathe through the nose, this is what happens: You begin to breathe deeper into the belly, filling your lungs to full capacity. This allows you to inhale and absorb more prana energy — life force vitality. You breathe with greater intention, sparking more presence and awareness in your life. This also opens the path to reacting more consciously.

When we breathe through our mouths, especially in stressful situations, we tend to lose our cool, and frustration or anger can arise. However, when we breathe through the nose, we circulate our energy constantly, living with more awareness and responding with intention. “We know that certain forms of breathing, specifically mouth breathing, can upset the balance of oxygen in the prefrontal cortex. Mouth breathing has been associated with ADHD. You’re breathing in your fuel and energy, and if you’re doing it incorrectly, you won’t have enough energy to feed different neuronal pathways and nourish your body properly.

When you focus on your breath, you’re listening to your body. There isn’t much of a disconnect between listening and breathing, because both are about tuning in to how you’re feeling.” — From Breath by James Nestor.

1. You align with the elements, dispersing energy where it needs to go and allowing prana to flow naturally.

2. Breathing through the nose is the most natural way to breathe — it’s how we’re born. This leads to better sleep, improved digestion, increased energy, heightened awareness, and a deeper connection with the body, mind, and soul. 
