Eagle Wrap (Garudasana Arms)
The Eagle Wrap (Garudasana Arms) is a variation of Garudasana (Eagle Pose) focused on the arm position. This pose deeply stretches the shoulders, upper back, and arms while also strengthening the muscles of the shoulders, arms, and legs. It also promotes balance and focus. The arm wrap in particular enhances flexibility in the upper body and provides a deep stretch for the shoulders, as well as a sense of grounding when combined with the full Eagle Pose.
Key Points
- Starting Position:
t- Begin in a standing position with your feet hip-width apart and your arms at your sides.
- Engage your core and set a steady foundation through your legs, making sure your body is balanced and aligned.
- Movement (Arm Wrap):
- Extend both arms forward at shoulder height, keeping them parallel to the floor.
- Cross your right arm over your left arm, bringing your right elbow to stack on top of the left.
- Bend your elbows so that your forearms are perpendicular to the floor, and your palms are facing each other.
- Now, try to bring the palms of your hands together, and if possible, hook your right fingers around your left wrist or fingers to deepen the stretch. If this isn’t possible, hold onto your shoulders or upper arms.
- Draw your elbows down to shoulder height while keeping your forearms perpendicular to the floor.
- Engagement:
- Engage your arms actively by pressing the palms together (or towards each other) to create tension in the arms and shoulders.
- Keep the elbows lifted and in line with the shoulders, avoiding collapsing the chest.
- Engage your core to support the spine and avoid rounding the back.
- If you are doing the full Eagle Pose, proceed to balance on one leg, but the arm wrap can be practiced on its own for a deep upper body stretch.
- Focus:
- Focus on relaxing the shoulders away from the ears while keeping your arms engaged.
- Keep your spine tall and aligned, avoiding any hunching or rounding in the upper back.
- Breathe deeply, ensuring that the breath flows evenly and allows you to release tension in the shoulders and upper back.
- Breath:
- Inhale as you lengthen your spine and deepen the stretch through the arms.
- Exhale as you maintain the arm wrap, drawing your elbows down toward the midline.
- Continue breathing deeply and steadily, using your breath to help you relax deeper into the stretch.