Twisted Trikonasana (Parivrtta Trikonasana)

Reverse Triangle Pose, or Parivrtta Trikonasana, is a standing yoga posture that enhances balance, flexibility, and strength. This pose involves twisting the torso while extending the arms and legs, offering a deep stretch to the spine, hamstrings, and hips.

Key Points

  1. Alignment:
    • Begin in a wide-legged stance with one foot facing forward and the other foot angled slightly inward.
    • Extend both arms out at shoulder height, parallel to the ground.
    • Twist your torso toward the front leg and hinge at the hips to lower your opposite hand to the outside of your front foot (or to a block if needed).
  2. Engagement:
    • Press firmly into both feet to ground yourself.
    • Engage the core to support the twist and maintain stability.
    • Lengthen through the spine, reaching the top arm toward the ceiling.
  3. Focus:
    • Keep your gaze upward at the extended hand or forward, depending on neck comfort.
    • Align your hips and shoulders to avoid collapsing into the twist.
    • Avoid locking the front knee—keep a micro-bend for joint safety.
  4. Breath:
    • Inhale to lengthen the spine, and exhale to deepen the twist.