
Your Strength 

Show the most beautiful things within your life, the best of the best.

Your greatest aspects are what will expand the most online; showing that within nature is a winner. The world we live in is beautiful, and the online algorithm loves nature and skin.

Working with the algorithm is essential for growth.

I’m not saying to be naked in nature, but at the same time... if this is your thing, go for it.

Before I started to take things seriously online, I was uploading my nude art; I love nude yoga, and everyone should love their own body.

However, I felt the call to play the game, and once I knew what had been proven to work, I went for it and haven’t stopped. It becomes your work, your play, and your passion.

How can I create an engaging and meaningful video while working with the algorithm and bridging the physical and spiritual?

What is your 1%?

It’s the things you’re best at, the things that come naturally to you; the most beautiful places you visit, you at your greatest, smiling, loving, and living. Remember, we’re bridging the worlds and playing a game; it’s not ego, it’s knowing what works and applying it.
