Useful Language
The Balinese believe in karma, awhile ago when more tourists came, they felt it was okay to charge more than locals, which is understandable.
However, some shops and people will really try to rip off people, be careful you don’t pay too much for some things. If you opening the conversation with: Halo,
apa kabar? (Hello, how are you) then they will say baik baik (good good) and you say bagus (good) and start shopping.. they will think you’ve been here for awhile and won’t try to rip you off.
Simple Bahasa (Indonesian) to learn more use the translator, knowing a little big of Bahasa will go a long way. To learn the pronounciation learn on a translator.
Thank you: Terima kasih OR bahasa bali - suksma
Hello: Halo
How are you: Apa kabar
How: Bagaimana
How much: Berapa
Perfect: Sempurna
Good: Bagus
See you later: Sampai Jumpa
Good Morning: Selamat Pagi
Afternoon: Sore
Evening: Malam
1,2,3,4,5,6, Satu, Dua, Tiga, Empat, Lima, Enam, Tujuh, Delapan, Sembilan, Sepuluh
Right, Left, Straight: Kanan, Kiri, Lurus
Name: Nama
What: Apa
Where: Dimana
Can: Bisa
No: Tidak
Yes: Ya
Later: Nanti
Now: Sekarang
Today: Hari Ini
Tomorrow: Besok
Food/ Eating: Makan
Be careful: Hati Hati