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"Rhys’ presence, wisdom, movement and yoga practice has been a transformational journey for me since day one. My first session with Rhys illuminated all of the ways I had been denying my own freedom of expression through my body. It showed me how societal conditioning had wrapped itself around me so tightly, I was unable to move. Rhys taught me to find my edge and to trust what was beyond that. He gave me permission to come out from hiding and to reclaim my self-expression through movement. He helped me reunite with the unembarrassed, unapologetic and ferociously wild part of me. This process was like taking off a tight shoe. Every session, Rhys continued to walk me home… to myself, to my heart and to my inner connection.

My deepest gratitude goes to Rhys for taking me on a journey of self-reclamation. For awakening the dormant parts of me. For holding my hand as I dived into the depths of myself. For guiding me out of my mind and into my body. Rhys, thank you for your devotion and service to others. It has been a life changing journey."

EMMA LOUISE-SMITH | Mindset Mentor & Facilitator

"Since the moment I met Rhys I knew he was going to have a profound impact on my life. Simply being in his presence, invited me to be more present. Apart from his magnetically beautiful energy, the way he connected with his body during his flows gave me a new appreciation and fascination toward mine. Rhys has made the practice of yoga feel so effortless and inviting, where I’ve entered into a state of such presence with the sensations and movements of life, I often felt like I was floating. I am grateful for the way of life Rhys has opened me up to feel and see. He is a healthy divine masculine man who continues to embody what he preaches. I highly recommend any of Rhys offerings if you’re interested in connecting with yourself on a deeper level."

HAMISH MACLACHLAN-LESTER | Media & Communications Adviser

"I've had the pleasure of experiencing Rhys Menzel's healing and ceremonial work, and I can confidently say that he is a true guru in this realm. Rhys has a unique ability to hold space for healing and growth in a way that is both grounded and transcendent. Whether it's through his yoga classes, sound baths, or other ceremonies, Rhys embodies a shamanic healing potential that is hard to come by. His authenticity and dedication to this work are truly inspiring. I have no doubt that anyone who has the opportunity to work with Rhys will leave feeling more connected, more aligned, and more empowered. I feel grateful to have encountered such a gifted and wise teacher."

NICHOLAS BENISZ | Writer & Model

"I had a retreat with Rhys for the entire first week of 2023. My aim for this retreat was to raise my vibration and to truly let go of the things blocking me. Despite the fact that I had made big steps in my own journey I still had some very deep-seated subconscious blocks. The retreat had many elements which included meditation, writing, dieting, talking one on one, getting into nature, as well as yoga. During my time working with Rhys we spent a lot of time asking ‘why’. For example, if I described issues that involved a fear of being judged or of failing then we would ask ‘Why?’ Rhys made me go deep within myself and to ask those questions because it’s all within already. I had to really process a lot of things from the past as there were many feelings that surfaced. Once these things came to the surface, I had a better understanding of why things have played out the way they have in my life. Then I had a realisation that I am truly the operant power in my life. During my time with Rhys I felt like weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. The movement, yoga, nature and dieting contributed to this feeling as well as I felt more connected with my environment. I highly recommend Rhys as a retreat facilitator, and I cannot wait to go again. My deepest gratitude goes to Rhys for taking me on a journey of self-reclamation. For awakening the dormant parts of me. For holding my hand as I dived into the depths of myself. For guiding me out of my mind and into my body. Rhys, thank you for your devotion and service to others. It has been a life changing journey."

MA WAHINE KAI-HAU DUNWOODIE | Artist, Guide & Mother

"As a person whom is quite protective of my energy field, I found Rhys's space incredibly purifying and safe. Rhys has a natural ability to guide one with strong and clear direction whilst also reminding one to allow smooth flow of our inner feminine essence. The Seeds of Ember spaces in which I attended many, will forever remain cherished in my heart for I experienced true unity with brothers and sisters throughout the entire yoga flow, sound bath and especially the mantra.


"I am grateful for the energy Rhys has created into my path. he has brought me peace and clarity. Rhys’ flows are a dream. He is by far, my favourite yoga teacher to date and likely will be forever. Rhys is completely in tune with his own breath and rhythm and thus his practice flows beautifully. The way he speaks in practice and meditations brings calm to your being. The words he uses are clear and inspiring. He allows for your body and mind to move intuitively and encourages free expression. Rhys is someone i now look up to as his body strength and skill is beyond impressive. Thank you for all that you do Rhys, you are seen."

MATT FOX | Mindfulness Coach & Support Worker

"Rhys holds such a calm, present and welcoming space with his Yoga flows, Which helps me to ground and ease into his sessions more comfortably. You can see that this work comes naturally for him and is fluent and clear with his guidance throughout, always leaving me feeling refreshed afterwards. Highly recommended."

FRASER HAWKINS | Graphic Designer

"The stillness and strength cultivated together as one when guided by Rhys is unlike no other. I always leave in immense gratitude for the experience I have received and feel more grounded and centred with the self."

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